
Geographic Name

What's great about Wisconsin?

Presents information on the state of Wisconsin.
Cover image of What's great about Wisconsin?

Black house

a novel
Retired homicide detective Jack Sawyer is pulled into the past by a series of mysterious killings near his western Wisconsin home--a past that Jack does not remember, during which, as a boy, he traveled to a parallel universe to protect his mother and save another world from destruction.
Cover image of Black house

Little clearing in the woods

Young Caroline Quiner, who would grow up to be Laura Ingalls Wilder's mother, and her family move to a new farm near Concord, Wisconsin.
Cover image of Little clearing in the woods

The Scorpio ghosts and the Black Hole Gang

Ryan and his brother and sisters help free two modern-day ghosts from a haunt pattern that has them trapped in the cornfields of Wisconsin.
Cover image of The Scorpio ghosts and the Black Hole Gang

Dark Dude

In the 1960s, Rico Fuentes, a pale-skinned Cuban American teenager, abandons drug-infested New York City for the picket fence and apple pie world of Wisconsin, only to discover that he still feels like an outsider and that violent and judgmental people can be found even in the wholesome Midwest.

The elegant gathering of white snows

Eight women have met every Thursday night for years to share food, wine, and friendship. One Thursday night they decide to disappear from their own lives and begin a trek across the backroads of Wisconsin. As they move along, they find the strength to change their lives, their families, and their communities.
Cover image of The elegant gathering of white snows

Once was a time

In World War II England, ten-year-old Lottie is transported via a portal to present day Wisconsin, where she must find her way back to her family and her best friend, Kitty.
Cover image of Once was a time

The Spooky Express Wisconsin

a Halloween thrill ride
"Find out what happens aboard the Spooky Express as it hurtles around Wisconsin on Halloween night"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The Spooky Express Wisconsin

Plague riders

Fourteen-year-old Shep Greenfield rides his horse between the makeshift colonies along the Wisconsin River delivering homemade medicine to people infected with nightpox, and while trading meds for much needed grains, he finds evidence that suggests his missing parents may be alive in a distant settlement called Dusty Hollow, a disease-ridden settlement that is about to be burned down, and Shep must act quickly to find his parents.
Cover image of Plague riders

America the beautiful

Introduces the geography, history, government, economy, industry, culture, historic sites, and famous people of the state which calls itself "America's Dairyland.".
Cover image of America the beautiful


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