wooden boats

Topical Term
wooden boats

The mahogany tree =

El ?rbol de caoba
Follows the life of a mahogany tree, from seedling to a full-grown tree, and describes the adventures it has with a man on the open seas. Presented in English and Spanish.

The mahogany tree =

El a?rbol de caoba
Follows the life of a mahogany tree, from seedling to a full-grown tree, and describes the adventures it has with a man on the open seas. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of The mahogany tree =

Ghost ship

the pharaoh's buried vessel
Learn about the world?s oldest ship that was first discovered in a desert. Also discover how ships and the Nile River were closely connected to the ancient Egyptians? belief in death and the afterlife.

Fifty wooden boats

a catalog of building plans

The guide to wooden power boats

Contains photographs and descriptions of wooden power boats, including launches, runabouts and raceboats, power cruisers, motoryachts and motorsailers, and working boats.
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