climatic changes

Topical Term
climatic changes

Fraser's penguins

a journey to the future in Antarctica
The author describes the five months he spent working with scientist Bill Fraser's team in Antarctica to study Adv?lie penguins and discusses his observations on the rising temperatures in the region in the early twenty-first century and how this could impact the rest of the world.

The encyclopedia of global warming science and technology

Contains entries that provide information about the science and technology of global warming, discussing climate and weather, human health, greenhouse gases, the hydrological cycle, ice melt, oceans and seas, people, plants and animals, regional effects, politics and economics, scientific issues, and solutions; arranged alphabetically from A to H.

Censoring science

inside the political attack on Dr. James Hansen and the truth of global warming
Reveals how the Bush Administration tried to censor the work of preeminent climatologist, Dr. James Hansen, which revealed the true dangers of global warming and the threat of an environmental disaster.

Hot, flat, and crowded

why we need a green revolution-- and how it can renew America
Argues that the United States needs to adopt an environmentally friendly national strategy to be healthier, wealthier, and more secure, innovative, and productive.

Thin ice

unlocking the secrets of climate in the world's highest mountains

Adaptation and climate change

A collection of thirteen essays that explore various issues related to climate change, discussing its impact on communities and the environment.

High tide

the truth about our climate crisis
Offers a detailed analysis of how global warming is impacting the world and everyday life today, and warns of what will happen if steps are not taken now to stop the spread of global warming.

Critical perspectives on world climate

A collection of articles that examines climate change, discussing the role of vegetation and methane in the scientific phenomenon, effects of global warming, debate over research, and other related topics.

With speed and violence

why scientists fear tipping points in climate change
The author examines the history of the earth's climate changes and the consequences of increased global warming, and maintains that continued human interference could cause irreversible changes that could threaten the habitability of the earth.

Climate crash

abrupt climate change and what it means for our future
Argues that the earth is likely to go through a severe climate change in the near future, explains how that climate shift will impact modern life, and describes how the planet has been affected by climate shifts in the past.


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