When Shelly's great aunt, Queen Edwina, plans on stopping by, the mermaids prepare for a royal tea, but Pearl thinks there may be another reason she is coming by.
Examines the 12 most amazing facts about the Boston tea party. Provide information about the event’s critical moments, key players, and lasting effects.
"Discovering that their friend is secretly planning a dangerous tea ceremony to appease the spirits of ninjas past, Joey and Johnny invite themselves along to test their ninja skills while collecting important items for the ceremony."--OCLC.
not one but four! : Boston, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia
Moss, Marissa
Explores the causes of the American Revolutionary War, focusing on the Boston Tea Party which inspired other towns to dump their tea from the ships in the ports in order to fight the unfair tax on it.
O'Connor, Jane; illistrated by Robin Preiss Glasser
In her own inimitable style, the girl who loves to use fancy words provides tips on how to host the perfect tea party, describing how to behave, food and drinks to serve, games to play, and much more.