south dakota

Geographic Name
south dakota

The Mount Rushmore calamity

Hoping to escape the attention brought on by the accident that flattened Stanley, the Lambchop family drives to South Dakota, where they become involved in a wild west adventure at Mount Rushmore.

Little Town on the Prairie :

Pa's homestead thrives, Laura gets her first job in town, blackbirds eat the corn and oats crops, Mary goes to college, and Laura gets into trouble at school, but becomes a certified school teacher.

El Monte Rushmore

?Sab?as que se necesitaron 14 a?os para tallar las caras en el Monte Rushmore? La dinamita se utiliz? para hacer alrededor del 90 por ciento de la talla. Obt?n m?s informaci?n sobre este fascinante s?mbolo.

South Dakota

"Welcome to South Dakota! Let Jayce show you around the state where he lives. Learn about his state's flag, animal, and flower. Find out his favorite activities too!"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of South Dakota


"It's a pheasant frenzy! Join Lucky Luke and his sister, Crystal, for an amazing weekend hunting pheasants with family and friends in South Dakota. The boys and girls are fired up, the fields are loaded with birds, and the dogs are ready for action. So come along and enjoy this adventure!"--Provided by publisher.

I'm reading about South Dakota

the Mount Rushmore State!
Presents facts about South Dakota, including landmarks, people, symbols, and more.

South Dakota

Looks at the state of South Dakota, discussing its climate, geography, economy, population, and history.


"It's a pheasant frenzy! Join Lucky Luke and his sister, Crystal, for an amazing weekend hunting pheasants with family and friends in South Dakota. The boys and girls are fired up, the fields are loaded with birds, and the dogs are ready for action. So come along and enjoy this adventure!"--Provided by publisher.

Free land

David Beaton and his bride arrive in Dakota Territory in the 1880s to claim three hundred acres of grassland, and find themselves in a constant struggle against the forces of nature.

Bones in the cliff

T. rex discovery
"Paleontologist Susan Hendrickson was excited when she found a few Tyrannosaurus Rex bones in South Dakota's Badlands. But after she and her team dug deeper, Susan realized she had discovered the largest and most complete T. rex skeleton ever found! The team named it Sue. Follow along on this graphic adventure based on a true story to discover the fossils from this giant dinosaur. Then, take a trip back in time to learn all about the creatures that lived alongside the T. rex and learn even more about paleontology"--Provided by publisher.


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