Fradin, Judith Bloom

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Explains the science behind why tsunamis occur, provides accounts of some of history's worst tsunamis, and looks at how researchers are working to be able to predict and prepare for such disasters.


Explains the science behind why earthquakes occur, provides accounts of some of history's worst earthquakes, and looks at how researchers are working to be able to predict and prepare for such disasters.

Jane Addams

champion of democracy
Presents a biography of Jane Addams, suffragist, civil rights activist, and founder of Hull House in the slums of Chicago that draws from hundreds of historical documents; and contains archival photographs of her life and activities.

5000 miles to freedom

Ellen and William Craft's flight from slavery
Ellen and William Craft were two of the few slaves to ever escape from the Deep South. Their first escape took them to Philadelphia, then on to Boston pursued by slave hunters, and finally 5000 miles across the ocean to England, where they were able to settle peacefully.

New Mexico

An introduction to the geography, history, people, cities, and famous sites of the large southwestern state known as "The Land of Enchantment.".


Discusses the geography, history, industries, and famous citizens of the "Treasure State.".


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