Price, Steven D

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The funniest things ever said

"A collection of . . . witticisms from the world of politics, show business, sports, and anywhere else people need a good laugh!"--Provided by publisher.

Take me home

1001 smartest things ever said

"A compendium of human wisdom culled from the world's celebrated--and anonymous--minds, from Confucius and Shakespeare to Maya Angelou and Woody Allen"

Take me home

The Whole horse catalog

A guide to home maintenance, repairs, and improvements, with step-to-step instructions in methods and techniques and information on tools, materials, and supplies.

Take me home

Essential riding

a realistic approach to horsemanship
A riding guide aimed at helping new riders to understand and compensate for horses' uncooperativeness, which covers such topics as English and Western riding fundamentals, safety and etiquette, horse behavior, jumping basics, and show preparation, and includes a glossary.

The American quarter horse

an introduction to selection, care, and enjoyment
Presents a brief history of the American Quarter Horse, offers advice on locating and selecting a horse, and discusses topics such as stabling, feeding, grooming, behavior, trail riding, and competition.

Old as the hills

the story of bluegrass music


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