carbon dioxide mitigation

Topical Term
carbon dioxide mitigation


global warming, greenwashing, and sustainability
"Johansen examines the sanctioned activities and practices commonly touted as environmentally responsible and points out their failings. He explains why the global climate change problem is more urgent than many people think, and provides real-world examples of companies that are taking measures with genuine benefits to the environment"--Dust jacket.

Carbon tax

"Taxing carbon emissions, which contribute to global warming, is one method governments are using to help decrease or control climate change. This informative title looks at the costs and benefits of this sometimes controversial tax and how different jurisdictions are implementing them"--Provided by publisher.

Clean it up!

"Introduces early readers to environmentalist concepts including greenhouse gases, carbon footprint, and air pollution, and what they can do to help the environment. Features real-life examples of kids like Greta Thunberg who have made a difference"--Provided by publisher.

We are all Greta

be inspired to save the world
"[Readers are invited to] follow in the footsteps of the Swedish teenage activist and Nobel Peace Prize candidate [Greta Thunberg] . . . and join the global mission to save our planet from climate change . . . [This book] sets out the basic ideas required to understand climate change, explained in a scientific and accessible way and drawn from . . . authoritative sources"--Provided by publisher.

Energy of the future

Explores water, solar, wind, and nuclear power, discussing global warming and the need to solve the world's energy problems.

Buildings of the future

Explains the cause and effects of global warming, describes the contribution of buildings to global warming, and discusses building techniques and technologies and consumer actions that can reduce the amount of wasted energy.

Clean energy common sense

an American call to action on global climate change

How bad are bananas?

the carbon footprint of everything
Examines the carbon footprints left by everyday things and activities, discussing the carbon footprints of paper versus plastic bags, the climate change impact of a single rose versus ten pounds of bananas, and more, providing tips and advice on making carbon-savvy choices.
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