Hastings, Selina

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Sir Gawain and the loathly lady

After a horrible hag saves King Arthur's life by answering a riddle, Sir Gawain agrees to marry her and thus releases her from an evil enchantment.

The illustrated Jewish Bible for children

Retells thirteen Old Testament stories, including "The Creation, " "Joseph and His Brothers, " "King Solomon's Judgement, " and "Jonah and the Great Fish.".

The children's illustrated Bible

Bible stories retold especially for children. Includes color photographs of plants, animals, people, and places with maps of Old and New Testament lands.

Peter and the wolf

based on the orchestral tale by Sergei Prokofiev
Retells the orchestral fairy tale of the boy who, ignoring his grandfather's warnings, proceeds to capture a wolf.

The singing ringing tree

A prince seeks the Singing Ringing Tree to please a vain and selfish princess so she will marry him, but the quest is dangerous and results in great misery for both before true love puts everything to rights.

The firebird

A retelling of the Russian tale in which a young huntsman and his wise and magical horse are ordered by the king to undertake a series of increasingly difficult tasks.

The children's illustrated Bible

Presents illustrated retellings of favorite Bible stories for children, and includes color photographs of plants, animals, people, and places, as well as maps of Old and New Testament lands.

The man who wanted to live forever

A man who wants to live forever manages to hold out for several hundred years, but Death eventually tricks him into going away with him.

Reynard, the fox

A retelling of the various adventures and schemes of the lying, cheating, and cowardly Reynard.

The Canterbury tales

An illustrated retelling of seven of the Canterbury Tales including the "The Nun's Priest's Tale," "The Pardoner's Tale," "The Wife of Bath's Tale," "The Franklin's Tale," "The Knight's Tale," "The Miller's Tale," and "The Reeve's Tale.".


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