
Geographic Name

Emperor of the universe

"Following a humiliating, defeated effort to conquer Earth, Klawde has had it with this this dismal planet. And anyway, what's the point in conquering such an insignificant corner of the galaxy, when there's an entire universe to rule? Luckily for Klawde, the position of Emperor of the Universe is now open for the taking. So with Barx and Raj by his side, and enemies around every corner, Klawde begins the campaign of his life. Can he win enough hearts and minds to become . . . Emperor of the Universe?"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Emperor of the universe

Gravity Falls

cinestory comic
Cover image of Gravity Falls

The child finder

a novel
"Three years ago Madison Culver went missing at the age of five while looking for a Christmas tree with her family. Private investigator Naomi Cottle continues the investigation and believes that Madison's disappearance can only be the result of an abduction. Naomi's personal journey from foster child to adulthood parallels her search for Madison, and as her fears and sources of determination come to light, the narrative also dips into Madison's mind, allowing readers to experience her terrifying ordeal at the hands of her captor."--OCLC.

The last sister

Twenty years ago Emily Mills?s father was murdered, and she found his body hanging in the backyard. Her younger sister, Madison, claims she was asleep in her room. Her older sister, Tara, claims she was out with friends. The tragedy drove their mother to suicide and Tara to leave town forever. The killer was caught. The case closed. Ever since, Emily and Madison have tried to forget what happened that night; until an eerily similar murder brings it all back. It also brings FBI special agent Zander Wells to the Oregon logging town. As eager as he is to solve the brutal double slaying, he is just as intrigued with the mystery of Emily?s and her sisters? past.

Before I disappear

"Rose Montgomery parks her family's trailer in Fort Glory, Oregon with one goal: to carve out a new life for herself and her little brother, Charlie. They need a fresh start for their family, and she thinks she's finally found it in a town where nobody knows them. But Rose's plans come crashing down when, in an instant, Fort Glory disappears and every person in town vanishes into thin air--including Charlie. Rose and four other teens become trapped in the Fold, a patch of woods caught halfway between the real world and the lost town. In the Fold, a mysterious force suspends the laws of physics, and everyone's inner darkness has the power to kill. To survive the Fold, Rose must unravel the clues Charlie sends her from the missing town. And Rose has to find Charlie soon--or he'll be gone forever"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Before I disappear

The shack

a novel
Cover image of The shack

Cloudy with a chance of boys

While older sister Alex is trying to orchestrate a perfect first kiss with her heartthrob and younger sister Joey prefers frogs to boys, Stevie Reel wonders if she is ready for a boyfriend while being pursued by a new boy in her class.
Cover image of Cloudy with a chance of boys

The spacedog cometh

"Klawde faces a challenger he never imagined--a dog, who has arrived on Earth to settle the intergalactic score. He's hyper, he's loyal, he's an all-around-good boy, and he's here to bring Klawde to justice. Can our ferocious feline evade the long paw of the law? Raj, on the other hand, is faced with his own out-of-town visitor who, although from Earth, may prove to be even more formidable--his grandmother. When she starts sending out party invitations to everyone at school for an Indian feast, can Raj survive the embarrassment?"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The spacedog cometh

The six rules of maybe

Obsessed with solving people's problems, Scarlet finds herself often pushing her own needs off to the side. When her older sister shows up married and pregnant, however, Scarlet soon finds herself causing a problem, rather than solving it, when she falls in love with her sister's husband.
Cover image of The six rules of maybe

The six rules of maybe

Scarlet, an introverted high school junior surrounded by outcasts who find her a good listener, learns to break old patterns and reach for hope when her pregnant sister moves home with her new husband, with whom Scarlet feels an instant connection.


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