Murphy, Rita

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Miranda, a small, delicate girl easily carried off by the wind, lands at Bourne Manor on the coast of Lake Champlain and is raised by the dour Wysteria Barrows, but she begins to believe rumors that the Manor is cursed and, aided by a new friend and kites secreted in an attic, seeks to escape.

Night flying

As the time for her solo flight on the sixteenth birthday approaches, Georgia begins to question the course of her life and her relationships with the other women in her unusual family.


Found as a baby by an old farm couple in the Tennessee mountains, Harmony has always been different, but when she begins developing special powers, she wants nothing more than to be ordinary.

Black angels

The summer of 1961 brings change to eleven-year-old Celli and her town of Mystic, Georgia, when her beloved Sophie becomes involved in the Civil Rights Movement and Celli learns a secret about the father who left her and her family long ago.


Found as a baby by an old farm couple in the Tennessee mountains, Harmony has always been different, but when she begins developing special powers, she wants nothing more than to be ordinary.

Looking for Lucy Buick

Following the death of her favorite adoptive aunt, Lucy goes searching for her biological family who abandoned her in an old Buick eighteen years before.

Night flying

As the time for her solo flight on the sixteenth birthday approaches, Georgia begins to question the course of her life and her relationships with the other women in her unusual family.
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