Amazing science. Life cycles

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From egg to snake

following the life cycle
Discusses the life cycle of a green snake, covering its habitat, physical characteristics, eating habits, and more, with fun facts and a glossary.

From egg to snake

following the life cycle
Discusses the life cycle of a green snake, covering its habitat, physical characteristics, eating habits, and more, with fun facts and a glossary.

From pup to rat

following the life cycle
Illustrations and text introduce children to the life cycle of a brown rat, describing their behavior, physical characteristics, and diet.

From seed to pine tree

following the life cycle
Discusses the life cycle of a shortleaf pine tree, covering its range in twenty-two states, beginnings as a seed, use of sunlight, air, and water to grow, and physical characteristics, with fun facts and a glossary.

From seed to daisy

following the life cycle
Simple text and illustrations describe the life cycle of a daisy.

From tadpole to frog

following the life cycle
Simple text and illustrations describe the life cycle of a frog.
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