Describes several kinds of environmental disasters, such as oil spills, chemical explosions, and nuclear power accidents, and their impact on people, animals, land, air, water, and the atmosphere, and includes an experiment.
A photographic introduction to tennis, looking at tennis equipment, describing various techniques, explaining the rules of the game, and discussing tennis competitions.
Outlines the characteristics and advantages of a wheel and axle and highlights a variety of ways this simple machine is used in real-world situations. Features several hands-on activities, full-color photographs, and a glossary.
Outlines the characteristics and advantages of a screw and highlights a variety of ways this simple machine is used in real-world situations. Features several hands-on activities, full-color photographs, and a glossary.
Presents a study of ancient China and discusses their early civilization and dynasties, the Great Wall, the Sons of Heaven, the Terra Cotta Army, arts and crafts, inventions, religious beliefs, and scholars.
Describes different kinds of droughts, how droughts happen, and their impact on people, animals, and vegetation; discusses heat waves, keeping cool, forecasting, and famine; and includes an experiment.
Provides an overview of hurricanes and typhoons, explaining what they are, how they form, why they are so dangerous, what some of the deadliest storms on records have been, how to stay safe, and what can be done to protect cities and people from their destruction.