consumption (economics)

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consumption (economics)

Goods and services

"Learn how goods and services are used in every day life, what the similarities and differences are between them and how you can use them"--Provided by publisher.

Follow your stuff

who makes it, where does it come from, how does it get to you?
". . . children's author Kevin Sylvester and business professor Michael Hlinka team up . . . to tackle the complex dynamics of the global economy, examining the often complex journey of ordinary goods, from production right to [the] doorsteps. Using familiar examples, . . . charts and graphs, and . . . humor, Hlinka and Sylvester introduce young readers to concepts such as relative value and fair wages and how to think critically about . .. purchasing decisions . . ."--Provided by publisher.

Follow your stuff

who makes it, where does it come from, how does it get to you?
". . . children's author Kevin Sylvester and business professor Michael Hlinka team up . . . to tackle the complex dynamics of the global economy, examining the often complex journey of ordinary goods, from production right to [the] doorsteps. Using familiar examples, . . . charts and graphs, and . . . humor, Hlinka and Sylvester introduce young readers to concepts such as relative value and fair wages and how to think critically about . .. purchasing decisions . . ."--Provided by publisher.

Bob Honey who just do stuff

a novel
Bob Honey, know to some as a weird neighbor, to others as the owner of a septic tank business, and to a discreet few as an assassin hired to knock off elderly people, travels America and the world carrying out his various pursuits and offering social commentary on the sad state of American consumerism, politics, and self-absorption.
Cover image of Bob Honey who just do stuff

Inconspicuous consumption

the environmental impact you don't know you have
"As we become a more digital society, the gains that have been made for the environment by moving toward a paperless world with more and more efficient devices will soon be or already have been offset by the number of devices in our lives that are always using energy. But many don't think about the impact on the environment of the 'Internet of things.' Whether it's a microwave connected to the internet, use of Netflix, or online shopping, these technological advances have created new impacts that the people who are most well-versed in these issues haven't considered. . . Schlossberg reveals the complicated, confounding and even infuriating ways that we all participate in a greenhouse gas-intensive economy and society, and how some of the biggest and most consequential areas of unintended emissions and environmental impacts are unknowingly part of our daily activities"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Inconspicuous consumption

What can you do with money?

earning, spending, and saving
Provides an introduction to earning, spending, and saving and discusses goods, services, and how people choose what to buy.
Cover image of What can you do with money?


a madcap story of sex, style, celebrity, and the women who made America modern
Examines the flapper age and its most influential figures, including author F. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife, Zelda; designer Coco Chanel; "New Yorker" writer Lois Long; actresses Clara Bow, Colleen Moore, Louise Brooks; fashion artist Gordon Conway; cartoonist John Held; and advertising and public relations pioneers Bruce Barton and Edward Bernays.
Cover image of Flapper

The stuff we buy

"Readers will gain an essential understanding about the consumer buying cycle and the problems that stem from it. Students realize that the ease of online shopping, reliance on machines in manufacturing, and access to cheap labor and materials in less developed countries create a dangerous cycle where money is more important than people and the environment"--Amazon.
Cover image of The stuff we buy

Spending money

Presents an introduction to how money is spent, including information on goods, services, how money is circulated, different ways to pay, and creating a budget, with a math activity.
Cover image of Spending money

Spending success

Spending success tells a story about Chelsea and Jack's great success with financial priority setting, against a backdrop of peer pressure and media influence.
Cover image of Spending success


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