National Geographic Kids

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Mission: polar bear rescue

all about polar bears and how to save them
Shares stories and facts that reveal the real-life survival challenges that have caused polar bears to become endangered, and provides information about what kids can do to support conservation efforts.

Helen's eyes

a photobiography of Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller's teacher
Photographs, illustrations, and text chronicle the life of Helen Keller's tutor, Annie Sullivan.


a photobiography of Wilbur and Orville Wright
Examines the lives of the Wright brothers and discusses their experiments and triumphs in the field of flight.

Thomas Edison

Traces the life of Thomas Edison, one of the most influential inventors in American history, from his early childhood and education through his sources of inspiration and challenges faced, early successes, and the many inventions for which he is best known.

Cutest animals collection

Text and photographs look at penguins, monkeys, polar bears, and animal babies.

125 true stories of amazing pets

inspiring tales of animal friendship & four-legged heroes, plus crazy animal antics
Contains 125 anecdotes about pets and crazy animal antics.

Inventing the future

a photobiography of Thomas Alva Edison
Presents a biography of the tireless Thomas Edison, illustrated with many photos of his life and inventions.


a photobiography of Annie Oakley
A photographic biography of Annie Oakley, discussing her early life, her prowess with a gun, her stint with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, and her enduring image in movies, books, television shows, and plays.

Always inventing

a photobiography of Alexander Graham Bell
A biography, with photographs and quotes from Bell himself, which follows this well-known inventor from his childhood in Scotland through his life-long efforts to come up with ideas that would improve people's lives.

This or that? 2

more wacky choices to reveal the hidden you
Two choices are offered to readers and what is picked can reveal something about themselves.


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