
Topical Term

Cowboy's secret life

A little cowboy's creativity allows him to mix his daily life with imaginary adventures.
Cover image of Cowboy's secret life

The horned toad prince

In this retelling of "The Frog Prince, " a spunky cowgirl loses her new sombrero and is helped by a horned toad on the understanding that she will do three small favors for him.

A cowboy's life

Illustrates what life was like for cowboys, including information about their Spanish origins, the rise of America's cattle industry, as well as cattle drives and the famous trails ridden by cowboys.

Cowboy camp

Although Avery cannot eat the right grub, is allergic to horses, and gets rope burns from lassos, he learns at camp that he is uniquely qualified in the most important cowboy quality.

A visual dictionary of the Old West

A visual dictionary of the Old West that focuses on the life of cowboys, western settlers, boomtowns, and the gold rush.

The little cowboy and the big cowboy

A little cowboy and his father ride horses, round up cattle, mend a fence, practice roping, cook over a campfire, and sleep outdoors in their sleeping bags.

Waynetta and the cornstalk

a Texas fairy tale
A retelling of "Jack and the Beanstalk" which features a Texas cowgirl, a magic cornstalk, and a giant cowboy in the clouds.

Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa

spring babies
Cowgirl Kate and her horse Cocoa watch over the new calves, a puppy, and some baby barn owls.

Nat Love

African American cowboy
Surveys the life of Nat Love, African American cowboy, renowned for his riding, roping, and sharpshooting.

The cowboy and the black-eyed pea

In this adaptation of "The Princess and the Pea, " the wealthy daughter of a Texas rancher devises a plan to find a real cowboy among her many suitors.


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