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Hold still

Caitlin wrestles with her feelings of devastation and helplessness after her friend Ingrid commits suicide, and she turns to her family and newfound friends for help while encountering love, broadening her horizons, and using Ingrid's journal to heal.
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What happens when my parent dies?

"The death of a parent isn't easy for a person of any age. Children, who do not yet fully understand death, may have an exceptionally hard time when their parent passes away. This book touches on many of the emotions that a child might feel during this difficult time, including grief, guilt, and fear, and offers advice on how to talk about these feelings. Some of the changes that may occur in a child's life after the death of a parent are also discussed"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of What happens when my parent dies?

Motherless daughters

the legacy of loss
Discusses the effect upon a daughter of her mother's death and how it changes her identity, personality, family, and life choices.
Cover image of Motherless daughters

What Momma left me

After the death of their mother, thirteen-year-old Serenity Evans and her younger brother go to live with their grandparents, who try to keep them safe from bad influences and help them come to terms with what has happened to their family.
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When privileged Ig, who comes from a prominent family, wakes up one morning with a terrible hangover after a night of drinking and doing terrible things, he discovers he has grown horns. Confused about this new development, Ig learns that he has the ability to know the darkest secrets of anyone he touches. Baffled by his new powers, he becomes more and more determined to find out who viciously raped and murdered his high school sweetheart a year ago and vows revenge on the guilty murderer.
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Captain Rosalie

While her father is at war, five-year-old Rosalie is a captain on her own secret mission. She wears the disguise of a little girl and tracks her progress in a secret notebook. Some evenings, Rosalie's mother reads aloud Father's letters from the front lines, so that Rosalie knows he is thinking of her and looking forward to the end of the war and to finally coming home. But one day a letter comes that her mother doesn't read to her, and Rosalie knows her mission must soon come to an end.
Cover image of Captain Rosalie

Pet loss

a thoughtful guide for adults and children
A guide to dealing with the death of a pet that encourages pet owners to acknowledge and experience their grief. Discusses deciding to put a pet to sleep, dealing with a veterinarian, making funeral or cremation arrangements, and helping children with their grief.
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Lies my girlfriend told me

When her girlfriend dies suddenly at age seventeen, Colorado teenager Alix struggles with grief as painful secrets are revealed.
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