Science masters

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Weather prediction

What will the weather do today? In this book, readers in grades 4-9 will learn about ways people have developed to predict the weather, from looking at the sky to running models on a computer. Temperature, pressure, and wind speed are among the factors that determine whether to look out for sunshine or a tornado. Weather prediction not only helps you plan your day, it can even save lives!.
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Weather prediction

"[Looks at] the methods people have developed to predict the weather, from looking at the sky to running models on a computer . . ."--Back cover.

Earth's energy flow

"Energy flows all around you. It warms the air and powers our machines. Readers . . . will discover how power from the sun journeys to Earth's surface and back out to space. The sun's energy can be reflected, absorbed, used by plants and animals, given off, or trapped to warm the atmosphere. Learn how heat in the atmosphere is rising and what people can do about it. Earth's energy flow affects every living creature on the planet"--Provided by publisher.

Light waves

"[Teaches readers] about the properties of light, how light energy fits into the electromagnetic spectrum, the role light plays in nature, and the ways humans manipulate light to meet their needs"--Back cover.

Mixing and measuring matter

What do a carrot and a kangaroo have in common? They're made of matter, just like everything else in the universe! Discover how we measure matter and how it changes, mixes, and reacts. These reactions make life possible.
Cover image of Mixing and measuring matter

Sound waves

"[Teaches readers] about the properties of sound, including how it travels in waves and through different media, and how it is used as communication"--Back cover.

Why is sex fun?

the evolution of human sexuality
Compares human sexuality to that of the animal kingdom, discussing evolutionary selection and such topics as sexual privacy, recreational versus reproductive sex, lactation, menopause, and sexual "signals"--male and female body parts that serve to signal potential mates and/or impress rivals.

The pattern on the stone

the simple ideas that make computers work
Explains in simple language the complex operations and procedures that make computers work.

Kinds of minds

toward an understanding of consciousness
An exploration of how the human mind came into existence, posing questions about the mental processes that distinguish humans from animals, and discussing the power and significance of language.
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