Allman, Toney

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From bat sonar to canes for the blind

Describes bats' ability to to see with sound, a process called echolocation, explains how it works, and discusses the work of Dean Waters to develop a cane that allows blind people to imitate echolocation to help them get around better.

From Barbs on a Weed to Velcro

Contains an introduction to the invention of velcro, providing information on how the idea was developed by Swiss engineer and outdoorsman, George de Mestral, describing how he was inspired by the prickly pods of the burdock plant in nature.

Animal life in groups

Photographs, illustrations, and diagrams explores the social life of certain animals describing how living in groups benefits the individual members.

Nutrition and disease prevention

Examines the role of nutrition in disease prevention, discussing deficiency diseases, undernutrition, overnutrition, micronutrient insufficiency, problems of metabolism, nutrigenomics, and research in the area; and offers information on making decisions about nutrition.


Provides an overview of the tapeworm parasite, explaining what it is, how it affects people and animals, and how to break the tapeworm cycle.

Recycled tires

Describes the invention and development of recycled rubber tires; and includes a glossary, Web sites, and bibliography for further reading.

From pine cones to cool clothing

Discusses how scientists have developed self-cooling clothing based on properties found in pinecones.

From lizard saliva to diabetes drugs

Provides an account of how scientist and doctor John Eng was inspired to develop a drug to treat diabetes from the saliva of a gila monster.

From insect wings to flying robots

Discusses how scientists have used the wings of insects as patterns for flying robots.

From gecko feet to sticky tape

Discusses how scientists are trying to develop sticky tape based upon the sticky substance on geckos.


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