mythology, middle eastern

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mythology, middle eastern

Legendary underdogs

Ali Baba, Sunjata
Discover tales of heroes who defied incredible odds. Featuring a story of Ali Baba (an Arabian tale) and of Sunjata (a West African legend).
Cover image of Legendary underdogs

Exploring the life, myth, and art of the ancient Near East

"This book introduces readers to the epic legends and myths of Mesopotamia's ancient civilizations. One such story tells of the rage of the goddess Ishtar. Spurned by the warrior-king Gilgamesh and seeking to wreak her revenge, Ishtar persuaded her father, Anu, to release the Bull of Heaven. When the Bull snorted, huge chasms opened in the ground, sending hundreds of young men tumbling to their deaths. Gilgamesh slew the Bull and took the beast's horns as a trophy. This is only one of the many fantastic tales vividly retold in this fascinating book"--Provided by publisher.

Mythology of Egypt and the Middle East

myths and legends of Egypt, Persia, Asia Minor, Sumer and Babylon
Provides a brief introduction to the myths and legends of Egypt, Persia, Asia Minor, Sumer, and Babylon.

Near Eastern mythology

Discusses the religion and mythology of Mesopotamia, Canaan, and Israel.
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