Quinn, Spencer

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The right side

a novel
Half-blind, isolated, broken, and disillusioned, LeAnne Hogan used to be a rising military star in Afghanistan. Now a final blow comes in the form of the death of Marci, her hospital roommate. Compelled to find closure for her death, LeAnne travels to Marci's hometown only to find that Marci's eight-year-old daughter has vanished. Then LeAnne finds herself "adopted" by the town's dark, strong, inscrutable stray dog, and together woman and dog set out to find the missing child.

Paws vs. claws

"Queenie the cat has a BIG problem. And for once, it's not the slobbery, overly-excited creature who also lives at Blackberry Hill Inn. Sweet Lady Emsworth, the neighbor's prize cow, has disappeared, meaning no morning cream for Queenie. And when Queenie's not happy, NO ONE is happy . . . Things aren't looking great for Arthur the dog, either. His beloved humans, twins Harmony and Bro, are distressed about the strange activity in their town. Mysterious hi-tech people are suddenly very interested in nearby Catastrophe Falls, bills are piling up at their mom's inn . . . and now the twins might be hiding a fugitive?! Arthur is desperate to help but for some reason, no one seems to think he's up to the task. . . . Can Arthur save the day--and become a hero in Queenie's eyes--without making a disastrous splash?"--Provided by publisher.

Ruff vs. fluff

Queenie is a cat, deeply aware of her own perfection, and Arthur is a dog who normally likes everyone (except Queenie who is devoted to making his life a misery), and they both live at the Blackberry Hill Inn in the Northeast in snow country with their human twins (Harmony and Bro), and Mom; but one winter's day an unpleasant and suspicious stranger comes to stay at the inn, and soon the twin's uncle is framed for murder--and Queenie and Arthur must put aside their differences and work together to solve the mystery and protect their humans.

Bark vs. snark

"Arthur doesn't always remember where he buried his bone, or what he was doing before he started scratching his ear, but he never forgets three importants facts: Bacon is delicious. He loves his humans, twins Bro and Harmony, with all his heart, and Queenie the Cat is out to destroy him. When Queenie the Cat wins first place in a feline beauty contest at the county fair, Arthur expects her to be snootier than ever. Yet when Queenie returns from the fair, she seems oddly nice and sociable, almost like she's had a personality change. The humans chalk up Queenie's good mood to her recent win, but Arthur knows the truth. He can tell from the smell that this friendly Queenie is an imposter. But before he can decide what to do, Cuthbert the clown, the only person who knows what's really going on, goes missing. Can Arthur solve a mystery on his own? Or will he have to accept that he needs Queenie as much as he needs bacon?"--Adapted from dust jacket.

Thereby hangs a tail

a Chet and Bernie mystery
Chet and his human companion Bernie are called in to investigate a series of threats made against a pampered show dog named Princess, and when Princess and her owner are abducted and Bernie's girlfriend, reporter Susie Sanchez, disappears, the detective team realizes the show dog world is more dangerous than they ever imagined.
Cover image of Thereby hangs a tail

Paws vs. claws

"Queenie the cat has a BIG problem. And for once, it's not the slobbery, overly-excited creature who also lives at Blackberry Hill Inn. Sweet Lady Emsworth, the neighbor's prize cow, has disappeared, meaning no morning cream for Queenie. And when Queenie's not happy, NO ONE is happy . . . Things aren't looking great for Arthur the dog, either. His beloved humans, twins Harmony and Bro, are distressed about the strange activity in their town. Mysterious hi-tech people are suddenly very interested in nearby Catastrophe Falls, bills are piling up at their mom's inn . . . and now the twins might be hiding a fugitive?! Arthur is desperate to help but for some reason, no one seems to think he's up to the task. . . . Can Arthur save the day--and become a hero in Queenie's eyes--without making a disastrous splash?"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Paws vs. claws

Bow Wow

Bow Wow

Bow wow

Bowser the mutt lives with eleven-year-old Birdie Gaux and her grandmother in the normally quiet Louisiana bayou town of St. Roch, but news that a bull shark has somehow made its way into the swamp has everyone excited, and the cash bounty for landing the shark has lured some very shady characters into town--one hunter in particular is prepared to go to any lengths to collect the money.


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