climatic factors

Topical Term
climatic factors


dispatches from the new American shore
The author guides readers through some of the places where climatic factors are affecting coastal regions in the United States and presents firsthand accounts from those facing displacement such as a Native American community on the Isle de Jean Charles, and a neighborhood in Pensacola settled by escaped slaves hundreds of years ago.


how climate, the environment, and superbugs increase the risk
"Learn about how scientists have predicted the way diseases will evolve and effect our world in the future"-- Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Pandemic

Science and sustainable wildlife habitats

Explores how science is being used to create sustainable wildlife habitats.

Hopping ahead of climate change

snowshoe hares, science, and survival
Scientists seek to answer the critical question: Can snowshoe hares and other animals with seasonal coat color changes adapt to shorter winters caused by climate change?.

Wind and water at work

a book about change
An introduction to wind and water that discusses wind power and waterpower, natural disasters, erosion, and weather changes. Includes a glossary and an index.

The conundrum

how scientific innovation, increased efficiency, and good intentions can make our energy and climate problems worse
Discusses the history of energy and the search for efficiency and focuses on how to live sustainably while caring for the environment and the future of our planet. Examines the fact that, while we already have the technology and knowledge to live sustainably, little progress has been made to achieve that goal.


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