
Topical Term

Living with the Eskimos

in Greenland, a land of ice and snow--
Describes the homes, food, clothing, and everyday life of an Eskimo community in Greenland and includes information on animals that live in arctic regions.

Inunguak, the Greenland boy

The other Inuit boys ridicule little Inunguak, who cannot hunt and spends all his time listening to his grandfather's old stories of the People, until bad times come to Greenland and the stories become useful.

The two-mile time machine

ice cores, abrupt climate change, and our future
Traces the history of global climate changes as revealed by reading the annual rings of ice from cores drilled in Greenland in the 1990s.

A field guide to eastern butterflies

Introduces butterfly species found east of the Great Plains, from Greenland to Canada accompanied by 348 range maps, photos, and illustrations.

The life and times of Erik the Red

A brief biography of tenth-century adventurer and explorer, Eric the Red, describing his life in Norway and in Iceland, his discovery of Greenland, and founder of the first European settlement in Greenland.

A family in Greenland

The Bajare family from Greenland describes what their home is like, what work they do, and what food they like to eat.

Frozen in time

an epic story of survival and a modern quest for lost heroes of World War II
Details the efforts of a crashed B-17 to survive in Greenland during the winter of 1942 and 1943. Also chronicles the author's expedition to the region in 2012 to help recover the remains of the crewmen who did not survive.

The abduction

Christine watches everyone treat Osuqo and Poq like animals and realizes they are as human as she and in need of aid. This story is based on the actual kidnapping of Inuit Eskimos by European traders in the 17th century.

Pandora's curse

Geologist Philip Mercer and Dr. Anika Klein work against time to stop a German corporate mercenary from getting his hands on a wartime solid gold treasure chest that holds a lethal artifact possessing the power to destroy the Earth.

The transformation

On a journey to appease the Sea's Mother, Navarana saves the life of one of the Strangers who had come to Greenland to rescue the few Christians living there and together they find a way to end the suffering of Navarana's people.


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