Feinman, Jay M

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1001 legal words you need to know

A comprehensive guide to the language of the American legal system which defines 1,001 legal terms everyone should know and offers a miniguide to ten common legal problems.

Supreme Court decisions

Presents brief synopses of thirty landmark Supreme Court cases.

Law 101

Provides an introduction to the law, covering the basic subjects lawyers learn in the first year of law school, including constitutional law, civil rights, civil procedure,and the litigation process, torts, contracts, property, criminal law, and criminal procedure; and features real-life examples of the law in action.

Law 101

everything you need to know about the American legal system
Provides an introduction to the law, covering the basic subjects lawyers learn in the first year of law school, including constitutional law, civil rights, civil procedure, and the litigation process, torts, contracts, property, criminal law, and criminal procedure; and features real-life examples of the law in action.
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