Friends with disabilities

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My friend has autism

A young boy describes his friendship with Zack, who is autistic, discussing the challenges Zack faces and how he acts.
Cover image of My friend has autism

Mi amigo tiene autismo

A young boy describes his friendship with Zack, who is autistic, discussing the challenges Zack faces and how he acts.
Cover image of Mi amigo tiene autismo

My friend has dyslexia

A young boy describes his friendship with Anna, a girl with dyslexia, discussing the challenges she faces and how he encourages her in the things she is good at doing.

My friend has autism

A young boy describes his friendship with Zack, who is autistic, discussing the challenges Zack faces and how he acts.

My friend has down syndrome

Explains some of the challenges and rewards of having a friend with Down syndrome, using everyday kid-friendly examples.

My friend has ADHD

Explains some of the challenges and rewards of having a friend with ADHD using everyday kid-friendly examples.
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