cognitive styles in children

Topical Term
cognitive styles in children

Mindful learning

101 proven strategies for student and teacher success
Presents over one hundred research and instructional strategies that have proven to be successful in the classroom, designed to meet the needs of students with diverse aptitudes and interests.

If you're so smart, how come you can't spell Mississippi?

Katie is very surprised when her father--one of the smartest people she knows--was unable to help her study for her third grade spelling test because he admitted to not knowing how to spell Mississippi.
Cover image of If you're so smart, how come you can't spell Mississippi?

Understanding black male learning styles

Offering information for use inside and outside of the classroom, this educational resource delineates how black males learn differently from other students and what can be done to most effectively reach them. Outlining the differences as both behavioral (attention span, aggression, maturation, energy level, and pressure from peers) and educational (verbal skills, organization, gross and fine motor skills, and reading interests) among others, this proposal provides real-world experiences alongside theories, making this an essential guide for educators, parents, counselors, psychologists, and others involved with black male adolescents. A section on how the majority of teachers, who are nonblack and female, can extend their education to overcome differences within the normal classroom setting, and help to reduce the number of black males in special education, is also provided.
Cover image of Understanding black male learning styles

Multiple intelligences and positive life habits

174 activities for applying them in your classroom
Presents activities for teaching positive life habits and building community in the classroom, featuring over a dozen activities for each of the eight multiple intelligences, including verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, visual/spatial, musical/rhythmical, bodily/kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist.

Engage the brain

how to design for learning that taps into the power of emotion
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Stacey Coolidge's fancy-smancy cursive handwriting

Carolyn continues to get frustrated with her cursive writing until her teacher, Mrs. Thompson, is able to turn it into confidence.
Cover image of Stacey Coolidge's fancy-smancy cursive handwriting

Last to finish

a story about the smartest boy in math class
Max Leonard, convinced he is horrible at math because he experiences test anxiety every time the teacher starts the timer, amazes everyone by his ability to complete algebra problem sets.
Cover image of Last to finish

Free association

where my mind goes during science class
"Emily, a very creative thinker, finds it difficult to pay attention in science class. Her teacher, Mrs. Freedman, tries to help Emily with her 'daydreaming', only to find that Emily's creative thinking skills are quite advanced for a student her age!"--Publisher.
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