
Topical Term

Creatures in the icy tundra

Tundra biomes are known for being frigid, with brief summers and few trees. Despite this harsh environment, tundra biomes are home to many different species of plants and animals. Readers will learn about the highly adapted creatures, such as arctic foxes and musk oxen, living in tundra habitats around the world.
Cover image of Creatures in the icy tundra

Changing tundra environments

"Since their appearance on Earth, humans and their ancestors have impacted their surroundings. However, they've affected some of these environments more severely than others. In this book, readers will learn how human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and hunting, have directly and indirectly impacted tundra environments for thousands of years. Fact boxes and sidebars provide readers with supplementary information about the subject matter, while full-color photographs show the damaging effects of human activities on tundra environments"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Changing tundra environments

Tundra animals

Tundra biomes have the harshest climates in the world. This title introduces readers to the ways animals of the Arctic and alpine tundra have adapted to this treeless terrain.
Cover image of Tundra animals

On the Arctic tundra

"This book is about a place on the northern part of the Earth, called the Arctic tundra. It is like a cold desert. Let's read to find out more"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of On the Arctic tundra

Arctic tundra

Discusses the harsh weather, extreme landforms, and unusual living things found in the Arctic tundra.
Cover image of Arctic tundra

Seasons of the tundra biome

Did you know that the Arctic Tundra is the world's youngest biome? Located at latitudes 55 to 70 North the tundra is a vast and treeless land which covers about 20 of the Earth's surface. The tundra is the world's coldest and driest biomes. This title helps students to obtain and combine information to describe climates in different regions of the world.
Cover image of Seasons of the tundra biome

Tundras inside out

An exploration of tundra ecology that discusses the organisms that live there, from lichens and caribou to arctic wolves and ermines.

Life on the tundra

Explores the ecology of tundras, featuring photographs, maps, and illustrations, along with information on the plants and animals that are native to tundra biomes, and also discusses environmental changes that have impacted these habitats.


"This photo-illustrated book for early readers describes the tundra ecosystem and the plants and animals adapted to live there. Includes picture glossary and index"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Tundras

What is the tundra?

The tundra is the most remote and least inhabited biome on Earth. Few people get to see these remote and foreboding landscapes. Readers will learn what can live in these harsh environments and why such an unwelcoming place is essential to all life on Earth. Vibrant color photographs help students get a complete picture of the tundra. Compare and Contrast and Think About It boxes allow readers to put what they have learned to use and expand that knowledge.


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