Truth about series

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The truth about suicide

Alphabetically arranged entries offer teens information on a wide range of topics related to suicide, including causes, warning signs, risk factors, the role of mental illness, self-injury, and prevention.

The truth about Internet and online predators

Collects information and insight for teenagers on the Internet and online predators, providing A to Z entries on blogging, cyber-bullying, parental control, privacy issues, sexual predators online, and related topics, and including a list of hotlines and helpful Web sites.

The truth about violence

Presents a comprehensive A to Z discussion of teen violence in the United States associated with alcohol and drugs, gang and hate crimes, suicide, school and workplace violence, family abuse, and much more.

The truth about physical fitness and nutrition

Contains alphabetically-arranged entries that provide information about physical fitness and nutrition, from additives and processed foods to weight management, and includes a glossary and other additional resources.

The truth about family life

Presents an A to Z volume that provides information on the different kinds of families, and addresses issues important to teens on topics such as adoption, divorce, coping with stepparents, teen pregnancy, violence in the family, and more.

The truth about illness and disease

An A to Z resource providing information to teens on such health issues as diabetes, cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders, and more.

The truth about alcohol

This book presents information on binge drinking, the prevalence of drinking on college campuses, drunk driving, underage drinking, dealing with alcohol abuse in the family, seeking help and treatment, and more.

The truth about anxiety and depression

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about topics related to anxiety and depression, provides an overview of mental health and mental disorders, and includes sidebars, question and answer boxes, and hotlines and help sites.

The truth about drugs

Presents information for young people on thirty-five alphabetized topics related to drugs, including drugs and criminal behavior, rehabilitation and treatment, club and designer drugs, and addiction, and includes statistics, teenagers' personal stories, and question-and-answer sections.
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