Gordon, Karen Elizabeth

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The transitive vampire

a handbook of grammar for the innocent, the eager, and the doomed

The well-tempered sentence

a punctuation handbook for the innocent, the eager, and the doomed

The new well-tempered sentence

a punctuation handbook for the innocent, the eager, and the doomed
This handbook is revised and enlarged with fuller explanations of the rules of punctuation, additional graphics, and further character development and drama--all the while redeeming punctuation from the perils of boredom.

My dear mother

stormy, boastful, and tender letters by distinguished sons--from Dostoevsky to Elvis
A collection of more than one hundred letters that were written by famous men to their mothers; includes letters from William Carlos Williams, Elvis, Baudelaire, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Benjamin Britten.

The disheveled dictionary

a curious caper through our sumptuous lexicon
A dictionary of more than two hundred unusual English-language terms of international origin.

The new well-tempered sentence

a punctuation handbook for the innocent, the eager, and the doomed
Presents an illustrated guide to the proper use of punctuation, covering the exclamation point, question mark, period, comma, semicolon, colon, hyphen, dash, quotation marks, italics, parenthese, brackets, the slash, apostrophe, and ellipse, each with humorous and outlandish example sentences.

The deluxe transitive vampire

the ultimate handbook of grammar for the innocent, the eager, and the doomed
Examples of confusing appositives, many uses of gerunds, and the complicated matter of agreements.
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