libraries and preschool children

Topical Term
libraries and preschool children

Including families of children with special needs

a how-to-do-it manual for librarians
A step-by-step guide for librarians to aid in serving children with disabilities and their families.
Cover image of Including families of children with special needs

Cooking up a storytime

mix-and-match menus for easy programming
Presents a storytime cookbook, from the basics of creation of appropriate opportunities for learning, to the ingredients of books, fingerplays, and activities, to a series of "menus" for storytimes.
Cover image of Cooking up a storytime

Nonfiction in motion

connecting preschoolers with nonfiction books through movement
Provides tools for educators and librarians to incorporate informational reading in the form of nonfiction into their story hours, with topics ranging from animals to cars.
Cover image of Nonfiction in motion

Books, babies, and libraries

serving infants, toddlers, their parents & caregivers
Discusses the library's role in early childhood and parent education.

Books in motion

connecting preschoolers with books through art, games, movement, music, playacting, and props
A resource for librarians and educators to engage preschool age children in books through movement in storytimes.

Read, rhyme, and romp

early literacy skills and activities for librarians, teachers, and parents
Presents tips, techniques, and strategies that teach early childhood literacy development, recommends best books, and features rhymes and songs.
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