Bruchac, Joseph

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Hoop snakes, hide behinds, and side-hill winders

tall tales from the Adirondacks
A collection of tall tales having to do with the Adirondack mountains of New York State.

Songs from this Earth on turtle's back

contemporary American Indian poetry
Contains poems by fifty-two contributors from thirty-five different native American nations.

Skeleton man

After her parents disappear and she is turned over to the care of a strange "great-uncle, " Molly must rely on her dreams about an old Mohawk for her safety and maybe even for her life.

Native plant stories

A collection of tales from eighteen Native American tribes illustrating the importance of plants to Native American traditions.

The Earth under Sky Bear's feet

Native American poems of the land
A collection of tales and poems about the Big Dipper and other aspects of nature from various North American Indian cultures.

Fox song

After the death of her Indian great-grandmother, Jamie remembers the many special things the old woman shared with her about the natural world.

Stone giants & flying heads

adventure stories of the Iroquois

Eagle song

After moving from a Mohawk reservation to Brooklyn, New York, eight-year-old Danny Bigtree encounters stereotypes about his Native American heritage.


the story of Bird Woman and the Lewis and Clark Expedition
A historical novel in which Sacajawea, a Shoshoni Indian interpreter, peacemaker, and guide, and William Clark alternate in describing their experiences on the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Northwest.

Tell me a tale

a book about storytelling
Storyteller Joseph Bruchac incorporates many of his favorite tales in this discussion of the four basic components of storytelling: listening, observing, remembering, and sharing.


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