renewable energy sources

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renewable energy sources

The big energy gamble

This videodisc explores the pros and cons of California's controversial program to slash carbon dioxide emissions and promote energy efficiency, which could be adopted nationwide during the Obama administration.

Renewable energy

Program includes information on: Energy, Wind turbines, "Green" technology, Electricity, Fossil fuels, Global warming, Carbon dioxide, Environment, Methane, Greenhouse gases, Air conditioning, Solar power, Bio-fuels, Recycling, Automobiles, Emissions, Water, Love Canal, Toxic waste.

Alternative fuels

Presents brief discussions of the types and benefits of various alternative energy sources, such as biodiesel, solar, wave and tidal, natural gas, and geothermal, coveringvarious technologies and case studies, with illustrations.

Monster power

Seatbelts, everyone! The Magic School Bus is back and ready to ride again. Professor Frizzle's kid sister Fiona might be the new teacher at Walkerville Elementary, but she's got the same old motto: take chances, make mistakes, and get messy! She decides to take the class camping, but come night fall their tent grounds are pitch black. But Arnold's been watching a ton of scary movies and has been having trouble going to sleep at night. What will Arnold do without a night light? The class thinks fast and learns a ton about renewable energy.

Alternative energy sources

the end of fossil fuels?
"Scientists have long warned that using fossil fuels to heat homes, power vehicles, and keep appliances running has negative effects on the environment, but there are many economic and social issues to consider when switching to alternative energy sources. Readers discover the debates surrounding various forms of alternative energy, the barriers that must be overcome in order to adopt them, and the benefits they can provide"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Alternative energy sources

Catch the sun

Introduces young readers to the importance of solar energy to the environment as Nels and his father visit two solar energy contruction projects.
Cover image of Catch the sun

Catch the wind

Introduces young readers to the importance of wind energy to the environment as Nels and his father visit a wind farm.
Cover image of Catch the wind

Insane mode

how Elon Musk's Tesla sparked an electric revolution to end the age of oil
Tells the story of Tesla and argues that, under Elon Musk's "insane mode" leadership, the company is bringing an end to the era of gasoline-powered transportation.

The climate change crisis

Readers learn how our world is being affected and how they can play a role in minimizing the damage.


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