Selections from essays and other historical documents relating to the creation of the Declaration of Independence and its significance for the new American nation.
Looks at the framing of the United States Constitution and its amendments through such primary source documents as speeches, records of the Constitutional Convention and similar meetings, and the documents themselves.
Discusses the history of child labor in the United States, and includes text and photographs that describe the working conditions, wages, legal rights of the young workers in the mills, factories, and mines of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Looks at the framing of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights and examines important articles and amendments as well as the three branches of government.
Presents more than twenty primary source documents from the Great Depression, including letters, memoirs, newspaper articles, songs, and literary excerpts, and includes summaries and glossaries.
Presents a collection of primary source documents on the Civil War and provides personal stories from the men and women who experienced it along with vintage photographs.
Provides both oral and written primary source documents on the history of Native American culture and includes information on family life, great Indian leaders, forced relocation, and reservations.
Presents a collection of primary source documents, essays, and excerpts from journals, letters, speeches, and newspaper articles on seventy-two years of the women's rights movement from 1848 to the passing of the nineteenth amendment in 1920.
Presents selections from sources such as memoirs, letters, and newspaper accounts, relating to the nineteenth century expansion of America westward to the Pacific Ocean by Lewis and Clark, Zebulon Pike, and many others.
Presents a collection of primary source documents of early American history and life in the colonies including the struggle for religious freedom, relations with Native Americans, medicine, and punishments for crimes.