"Jing has come into the world with a powerful destiny. Buther life isn't easy. She is teased about her name, and her father is a poor farmer in the village of Huanan who makes barely enough for their family to survive. Now that Jing is eleven, she is to be sold as bride to the wealthy Guo family, This prosperous proposal is a rare opportunity that her elders don't want to miss, but the price is at great cost Jing's integrity. When she marries, she becomes the wife and nursemaid to Ju'nan, a three-year-old. Forced from one horrible situation to another, Jing feels she has only one choice: run away. With the help of a spider who weaves ameans to escape, and a nightingale who forces a path to freedom, Jing embarks on a magical quest that leads her back to herself"--Jacket flap.