adams, abigail

adams, abigail

Abigail Adams

Chronicles the life and achievements of the wife of the second president of the United States.

Partner in revolution

Abigail Adams
A biography of the woman who was the wife of the second president of the United States and the mother of the sixth president.

Servant to Abigail Adams

the early American adventures of Hannah Cooper
Illustrated text, letters, and diary excerpts follow a fictional teenage servant as she accompanies First Lady Abigail Adams to the Executive Mansion in Philadephia and later to the new presidential residence in Washington, D.C., where they witness the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800.

Abigail Adams

Profiles a woman who is remembered for her intellectual accomplishments, belief in womens' rights, and support of her husband, John, who became the second president of the United States.

Abigail Adams

Follows the life of Abigail Adams from childhood to the White House, where she served as first lady during the administration of her husband John, the second president of the United States.

A picture book of John and Abigail Adams

Illustrations and text describe the lives of John and Abigail Adams, discussing their childhoods, families, relationship, work, and deaths.

Abigail Adams

witness to a revolution
A biography of Abigail Adams with excerpts from her letters to family and friends.

Abigail Adams

first lady of the American Revolution
Presents a short biography of Abigail Adams, wife of the second President of the United States; and chronicles her childhood in Massachusetts, education, marriage, and the role she played in helping to shape the early history of America.

Woman of independence

the life of Abigail Adams
Describes the life of Abigail Adams and her successful fulfillment of such roles as wife, mother, teacher, correspondent, and First Lady.

Abigail Adams

A narrative based on previously un-mined documents reveals that the popular "Founding Mother" was willing to disagree with her husband, shrewd when investing the family fortune, and eager to correspond about men's subjugation of women.


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