Monster hunters

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Hunt for sewer gators

Looking for alligators in the sewers of New York City seems like a silly idea to Gabe Brown, but his brother is the creator of the Internet series "Discover Cryptids," so the filming crew sets out to explore the storm sewers--but when one of them panics, they get separated and lost.

Chase the Chupacabra

In Texas to investigate Chupacabra sightings for their internet program, Discover Cryptids, Gabe and the rest of the crew find themselves caught between Chupacabra supporters who hope that tourism will save their town, and a vet who believes in coyotes with mange.

Mystery of the night raiders

One by one Brian's grandpop's cows are dying, and even the vet can't determine why. Brian and his two friends decide to investigate.

Mystery of the secret marks

Darcy's roommate has many strange things happen to her on campus and soon the monster hunters are together for their toughest case yet.


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