Kratoville, Betty Lou

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Captain James Cook

Examines the accomplishments of eighteenth-century English captain James Cook, known for his voyages into unknown seas claiming land for his country, opening trade routes, and solving the mystery of scurvy.

Ferdinand Magellan

Tells the story of fifteenth-century explorer Ferdinand Magellan who became famous for being the first to imagine sailing west from Spain around the globe to reach the East Indies, and whose ship succeeded in completing the journey, even though he died in the Philippines.

Vasco da Gama

Examines the voyage of discovery undertaken by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in the fifteenth century in an attempt to sail around the southern tip of Africa in search of India and the Spice Islands.

Marco Polo

Examines the adventures of thirteenth-century Italian explorer Marco Polo on his twenty-four-year voyage of discovery to China.

Leif Eriksson and the Vikings

Presents the story of Leif Eriksson and his family, discussing their voyages of discovery to Greenland and North America.

George Washington Carver

Presents a biography of George Washington Carver, telling the story of how the former slave worked to solve the agricultural problems plaguing the South after the Civil War.

Johannes Gutenberg

Presents a biography of Johannes Gutenberg, telling the story of how he worked diligently to develop a printing press.

The Wright brothers

Presents a biography of Wilbur and Orville Wright, telling the story of how they ignored ridicule to pursue their dream of building a flying machine.

Florence Nightingale

Presents a biography of Florence Nightingale, telling how she gave up a life of comfort to provide safe havens and nursing care at military hospitals, workhouses, and orphanages.

Louis Braille

Looks at the life of Louis Braille, telling the story of how he came to invent the Braille system of type for blind readers.
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