Maltbie, P. I

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Picasso and Minou

The artist Pablo Picasso's cat Minou influences him to discontinue his Blue Period style of painting to begin creating works that will sell more quickly. Includes brief notes on Picasso's life and work.

Claude Monet

the painter who stopped the trains
Tells the story of how French impressionist artist Claude Monet set out to excite critics about his art, much in the same way his young son became enthused over trains.

Picasso and Minou

The artist Pablo Picasso's cat Minou influences him to discontinue his Blue Period style of painting to begin creating works that will sell more quickly. Includes brief notes on Picasso's life and work.

Bambino and Mr. Twain

In 1904 Sam Clemens leads a reclusive life in New York City after the death of his wife, who was also his editor, until his cat Bambino influences him to re-join society. Includes brief notes on the life and work of Samuel Langhorne Clemens who was known to the world by his pen name, Mark Twain.
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