Colby, C. B. (Carroll B

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Civil War weapons

Civil War weapons, from swords and sidearms to huge cannons, are described and illustrated. The majority of weapons illustrated are revolvers and rifles, although others are well represented.

Civil War weapons

Civil War weapons, from swords and sidearms to huge cannons, are described and illustrated. The majority of weapons illustrated are revolvers and rifles, although others are well represented.

Aircraft of World War I

Contains photographs of English, French, and German aircraft used in the first World War, particularly in the fighter class. Includes such famous types as the Camel, Nieuport, SPAD, Fokker D-VII, Avro, Trainer, Blackburn L Type Seaplane, DeHaviland DH-1, Parnall Panther. For each plane data is given as to construction, performance and armament.

Civil War Weapons

Civil War weapons, from swords and sidearms to huge cannons, are described and illustrated. The majority of weapons illustrated are revolvers and rifles, although others are well represented.

Historic American forts

Contains photographs of about 15 famous early fortifications of various types, ranging from the crudest stockade to the massive stone fortresses along our coasts.

Civil War Weapons

Civil War weapons, from swords and sidearms to huge cannons, are described and illustrated. The majority of weapons illustrated are revolvers and rifles, although others are well represented.

World's best lost treasure stories

Thirty-six brief accounts of lost treasures and the circumstances of their disappearance.
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