intellectual life

Topical Term
intellectual life

Miss Anne in Harlem

the white women of the Black Renaissance
Examines the independent-minded and spirited white women of the black Harlem Renaissance during the 1920s, collectively referred to as Miss Anne, exploring their motivations and often misunderstood choices.

Clarity as concept

a poet's perspective : a collection of essays
A collection of essays by African-American poet Mari Evans in which she addresses the lives of African-Americans in the United States and provides advice on change; discussing family, politics, education, the importance of museums, and other related topics.

American Jewish women's history

a reader
Presents a comprehensive study of American Jewish women beginning with the first Jewish settlers in New Amsterdam in 1654 to the end of the twentieth century and shows how they helped to shape American society, politics, and culture.

The violet hour

the Violet Quill and the making of gay culture

Beyond the godfather

Italian American writers on the real Italian American experience
Contains twenty-three essays by Italian-American writers, including personal memoirs, analyses of Italian-American literature, and discussions by Italian-American intellectuals on aspects of their heritage.

The Cornel West reader

Presents fifty-one works by and interviews with late-twentieth-century activist and political writer Cornel West, covering such topics as African-American cultural politics, Marxist theory, Christian thought, the arts, and race relations, and includes autobiographical essays.

Beats, rhymes, & life

what we love and hate about hip-hop
A collection of essays in interviews that explore the most prominent symbols of the hip-hop genre, discussing what they mean to the hip-hop community and how the genre's stars influence popular and teen culture.

The ground on which I stand

Presents the address delivered by playwright August Wilson to the 11th biennial Theatre Communications Group National Conference at Princeton University on June 26, 1996 and centered around cultural diversity within the American theater.

Endangered minds

why our children don't think-- and what we can do about it
Explains how electronic media, fast-paced life-style, unstable family patterns, environmental hazard, and educational practices influence the way our children think.


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