Civardi, Anne

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The builder

Many people help build a room on Mr. Short's house.

Festival decorations

Shows a large range of beautiful decorations that people make to celebrate festivals around the world and provides step-by-step instructions to make your own.

Bowls and boxes

Introduces containers of all shapes and sizes, made and decorated in a variety of interesting materials and provides step-by-step instructions to make your own.

Going to the dentist

Jake and Jessie Judd go to visit the dentist - Jessie for a check-up and Jake because he has a toothache.


movement in art
Presents a discussion of the way artists show action in painting, photographs, and sculpture, in simple text with illustrations, providing examples from a wide range of styles and works, including Seurat, Rodin, Monet, and more.

Out & about

Introduces six landscape paintings, each with a descriptive essay and a selection of related questions and explorations, as well as another painting on a similar theme to compare and contrast with the first one.

The Usborne children's wordfinder

Detailed pictures cover a wide range of topics, from music to a building site, sports to medieval armour, and a car engine to space exploration.

Festival decorations

Craft Workshop
Discusses various occasions celebrated around the world--the new year, spring, harvests, Christmas, and death--and provides instructions for related crafts.


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