
Topical Term

Murder in the Marais

When Paris detective Aimee Leduc discovers a dead body with a swastika carved on its forehead, she and her partner set out to solve the crime and become entangled in web of modern politics and old war crimes.

Children of the sun

James, a young writer living with his boyfriend, begins research on a leader of the neo-Nazi movement who kept his sexuality a secret, but as James focuses in on his efforts he begins to receive threatening phone calls and a series of unexpected events cause his life to intersect with Tony's, whose association with Britain's neo-Nazi movement required him to hide his sexuality as a teenager in the 1970s.
Cover image of Children of the sun

The spider's web

Lexi's unhappy home life with an alcoholic mother drives her to join a neo-Nazi group, but eventually she discovers that her new friends thrive on hatred and destruction.

The voice of modern hatred

tracing the rise of neo-Fascism in Europe
Explores the events which led to the resurgence of extreme right-wing politics across Europe at the end of the twentieth century.

Alice in charge

Along with the usual concerns of senior year in high school, Alice faces some very difficult situations, including vandalism by a group of Neo-Nazis and a friend's confession that a teacher has been taking advantage of her.

Alice in charge

Along with the usual concerns of senior year in high school, Alice faces some very difficult situations, including vandalism by a group of Neo-Nazis and a friend's confession that a teacher has been taking advantage of her.
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