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easy reading materials


"Walkingsticks have some of the best camouflage in the insect world. Most wave in the wind and look just like twigs--but some have bright wings to warn predators! Young readers will love taking a closer look at these masters of hide and seek"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Walkingsticks


"Developed by literacy experts for students in kindergarten through grade three, this book introduces moths to young readers through leveled text and related photos"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Moths


"Developed by literacy experts for students in kindergarten through grade three, this book introduces mosquitoes to young readers through leveled text and related photos"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Mosquitoes


"Chirp, chirp! Male crickets rub their wings together to make music. The females listen closely, with eardrums on their legs. These singing insects will enthrall readers in this fact-filled book loaded with vibrant photography"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Crickets


"A bumblebee colony is a busy place! The queen bee builds the nest and lays hundreds of eggs. Worker bees float from flower to flower, gathering nectar and helping flowers grow. In this book for beginning readers, students will learn all about the complex world of bumblebees"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Bumblebees

Birthday cake

Making of a many layered colorful birthday cake.

Using measuring cups

"Measuring cups are essential in the kitchen, but they're also crucial in the science lab. Scientists need to be precise in their experiments to test their hypotheses, and science tools such as cylinders for measuring volume aid them in their important research. This appealing book shows that young scientists, too, can use measuring containers for their own science experiments. Important STEM concepts such as volume and units of measurement are explained in a comprehensible manner"--Provided by the publisher.

Tiger snakes

"This title focuses on Tiger Snakes and gives information related to their habitats, bodies, food, and life cycles. The title is complete with beautiful, full-color photographs, leveled text, and plenty of fun and informative facts. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards"--From the publisher's web site.

Arctic foxes

"Arctic foxes are master hunters of the north! These small predators use their keen sense of hearing to listen for the rustlings of lemmings under the snow. Then, they leap to break through the layers of white to snatch their prey! This title walks readers through the fascinating adaptations Arctic foxes have developed to survive this harsh biome"--Provided by the publisher.


"A beautiful jaguar slinks through the dark forest. It is time to hunt! With one quick pounce, it catches its next meal. With camouflaged coats and super sharp claws, jaguars are built for rain forest survival. This title for young readers explores the many adaptations and survival skills jaguars have developed to thrive in their rain forest home!"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Jaguars


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