small business

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small business

End unemployment now

how to eliminate joblessness, debt, and poverty despite Congress
"2010 marked the year when the National Bureau of Economic Research declared an end to the Great Recession. The economy had shed over six million jobs in 2008 and 2009, but few had been recalled to work by 2010. Today, government policies have yet to make a significant dent in unemployment. Here, Ravi Batra explores why this is the case. He explains how joblessness can be completely eliminated--in just two years, and without the help of our painfully incompetent Congress. The President and the Federal Reserve have the legal authority to generate free-market conditions that will quickly end the specter of unemployment, all without involving Congress.Some examples of how to end unemployment without congressional intrusion: [bullet] Creating a bank by the FDIC to compete with banking giants and then charging only 5% interest rates on credit card balances, instead of the standard 10-35% seen today [bullet] Banning mergers among large and profitable firms, as such mergers directly cause layoffs and reinforce monopoly capitalism [bullet] Aid to small businesses in the form of cheap loans and government contracts, because small firms have been real job creators since 1980, while Big Business has been a job destroyer [bullet] Offer retiree bonds to increase the incomes of pensioners who live on savings and whose incomes have been practically destroyed by the collapse of interest rates [bullet] Bring oil prices down to $20/barrel, which would lower a gallon of gas to $1.50"--.

The mom & pop store

true stories from the heart of America
Examines the role independent neighborhood shops have played in the American economy and discusses how they exemplify the vision, passion, and persistence that has made the American dream a possibility for everyone.


create your own business : with 25 projects
"Describes a path of diligence, research, and fun for young entrepreneurs. Readers learn the key elements of business, such as basic marketing, strategies, spreadsheet design, and how to develop a great idea into a workable business plan. The skills learned through hands-on activities--including brainstorming, creating a time management calendar, and developing presentations for potential investors--translate into language, math, and problem-solving skills that are relevant across all subjects"--Back cover.

Entrepreneurial smarts

Offers teens advice on entrepreneurialship, explaining the importance of setting goals, preparing a budget, finding financing, and more.

The vo-tech track to success in business

Discusses what it takes to achieve success in the field of business, and gives practical advice on how to use vocational school, training programs, and college to obtain such careers as entrepreneur, accountant, business manager, or administrative professional.

The pet store pet show

Mr. J's Pet Haven is losing business to a pet superstore, so he decides to put on a pet show for the neighborhood, and recruits Kyle and Mia to help.

155 legal do's (and don'ts) for the small business

Forms of corporation, financing, contracts, intellectual property, computers, and more.

The International bank of Bob

connecting our worlds one $25 Kiva loan at a time
Initially the author was hired by to review some of the most luxurious hotels and resorts in the world. A chance encounter in Dubai with some of the workers whose backbreaking jobs create such opulence changed his mind about his job and he resigned. He found his way to, the leading portal of donations to help third-world workers. For as little as $25 to $50 businesses are financed. The repayment rate for these loans is nearly 99 percent and enables the giver to re-loan the money time after time. After making hundreds of microloans online, the author wanted to see his money in action and so he traveled to Peru, Bosnia, Cambodia, etc. He found some of the most inspiring and enterprising people he had ever met, and also learned things about the day-to-day life in countries with political and emotional turmoil that never makes the headlines.

Start your own business

Because of advances in technology, many teens are discovering ways to earn money through entrepreneurship. This guide provides all of the basics to business development, including handling money, making a profit, understanding the market, and expanding a business.


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