Ellis, Deborah

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The breadwinner

an Afghan child in a war torn land
Parvana lives in Afghanistan where women are not allowed to do anything because of the Taliban who run the country so she transforms herself into a boy to become the breadwinner.

The Breadwinner :

Looks Like Daylight

Kids of Kabul

living bravely through a never-ending war
Examines the lives of children living in Kabul, featuring boys and girls ages ten to seventeen discussing their lives in a country at war.

I am a taxi

In order to make more money for his family, twelve-year-old Diego, who lives with his imprisoned mother in the San Sebasti?n Women's Prison in Cochabamba, Bolivia, leaves his job as an errand boy and begins working as part of an illegal cocaine operation.

The breadwinner

Because the Taliban rulers of Kabul, Afghanistan, impose strict limitations on women's freedom and behavior, eleven-year-old Parvana must disguise herself as a boy so that her family can survive after her father's arrest.

No safe place

Fifteen-year-old Abdul, having lost everyone he loves, journeys from Baghdad to a migrant community in Calais where he sneaks aboard a boat bound for England, not knowing it carries a cargo of heroin, and when the vessel is involved in a skirmish and the pilot killed, it is up to Abdul and three other young stowaways to complete the journey.

Jackal in the garden

an encounter with Bihzad
Born deformed, Anibus is considered cursed and is left in the desert to die, but after being rescued and raised in secret, she leads a nomadic life, finding acceptance with a colony of artists which includes Kamal al-Din Bihzad, the most famous master of Persian painting.

True blue

Jess, a camp counselor, struggles to find the moral courage to remain loyal to her best friend, Casey, who has been accused of murdering an eight year old girl at summer camp.

Looking for X

When eleven-year-old Khyber's life falls apart, she searches for a homeless woman whom she befriended.


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