homeless children

Topical Term
homeless children

Erik is homeless

A photographic essay about a nine-year-old boy who is homeless in New York City.

Changing places

a kid's view of shelter living

Learning joy from dogs without collars

a memoir
Lauralee Summer tells the story of her life growing up as the child of a single, often homeless mother, and discusses how circumstances conspired to gain her entrance to Harvard where she majored in children's studies, finally came to know her father, and figured out her place in the world.

Homeless children

Discusses why children become homeless in the United States, how they live, and what can be done to help them.

Let's talk about staying in a shelter

Briefly describes various kinds of shelters for people without permanent homes and discusses how to deal with living in one.

Ask me why I hurt

the kids nobody wants and the doctor who heals them
Pediatrician Randy Christensen describes his experiences caring for homeless and often abused children and adolescents from a Winnebago-turned-physician's office outside Phoenix, Arizona.

Almost home

helping kids move from homelessness to hope
Contains the stories of six youth, who while searching for a place to call home, stopped at Covenant House, the largest organization serving homeless youth, and further explores the issue with suggestions of what can be done to fight youth homelessness.

Homeless children

Discusses the causes and prevention of homelessness and what is being done to help solve this problem.

No ordinary day

Valli has always been afraid of the lepers living on the other side of the train tracks in the coal town of Jharia, India, so when a chance encounter with a doctor reveals she also has leprosy, Valli rejects help and begins an uncertain life on the streets.


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