juvenile fiction

juvenile fiction

The escape of Oney Judge

Martha Washington's slave finds freedom
Young Oney Judge risks everything to escape a life of slavery in the household of George and Martha Washington and to make her own way as a free black woman.

Davy Crockett saves the world

Davy Crockett stops the evil Halley's Comet from destroying the world and wins the heart of Sally Sugartree in the process.

Little house friends

Laura Ingalls shares adventures and good times with her friends while growing up on the western frontier.

Shake Rag

from the life of Elvis Presley
A story about a period in the childhood of Elvis Presley when his family was dirt poor and he was introduced to the soulful music of the Sanctified Church that travelled to his town.

Dreaming of America

an Ellis Island story
Annie Moore cares for her two younger brothers on board the ship sailing from Ireland to America where she becomes the first immigrant processed through Ellis Island, January 1, 1892, her fifteenth birthday.
Cover image of Dreaming of America

How I learned geography

As he spends hours studying his father's world map, a young boy escapes the hunger and misery of refugee life. 'Based on the author's childhood in Kazakhstan, where he lived as a Polish refugee during World War II.
Cover image of How I learned geography


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