Berger, Gilda

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Psychology words

Identifies psychological terms and names such as manic-depressive, electro-shock treatment, obsession, phobia, Freud, Jung, and Piaget.

Ugly animals

Photographs and text describe some of nature's ugly animals found throughout the world, examining the unique features of such animals as Sphynx cat, star-nosed mole, proboscis monkey, and others.

Southeast States (4446)

Ugly cute animals

These animals are so ugly, they're cute! From bulldogs to sloths, lemurs to hippos, there are ugly cute animals all across the animal kingdom. Kids may recognize some of the animals as their very own pets, while others will be new discoveries for young readers. This reader will feature large full-color photos with fun facts.

Meg's story

get real! : straight talk about drugs
A young girl describes how she became addicted to drugs, her experiences as an addict, and her struggles to recover and take charge of her life.

Patty's story

straight talk about drugs

Apes in fact and fiction

Discusses apes, real and fictional, whose behavior and physical characteristics have been the subjects of research and myth.

Psychology words

Identifies psychological terms and names such as manic-depressive, electro-shock treatment, obsession, phobia, Freud, Jung, and Piaget.

USA for Africa

rock aid in the eighties
Discusses fund-raising concerts and records produced by popular musicians to benefit charities, including projects such as Band Aid, Live Aid, Farm Aid, and others.


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