
Topical Term

Dealing with psychotic disorders

"Those with psychotic disorders can see or hear things that do not exist in reality. [This book] explores what these disorders are like, how they affect people's lives, and . . . treatment options"--Provided by publisher.

Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

Provides an introduction and understanding to schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.


two sisters and a story of mental illness
The Close sisters are descended from very prominent and wealthy ancestors. When they were very young, their parents joined a cult called the MRA, or Moral Rearmament. The family was suddenly uprooted to a cult school in Switzerland and, ultimately, to the Belgian Congo where their father became a surgeon in the war ravaged republic, and ultimately the personal physician to President Mobutu. Shortly after the girls returned to the US for boarding school, Jessie first started to exhibit symptoms of severe bipolar disorder (she would later learn that this ran in the family, a well-kept secret). Jessie's mental illness was passed on to her son, Calen. It wasn't until Calen entered McLean's psychiatric hospital that Jessie herself was diagnosed. Fifteen years and twelve years of sobriety later, Jessie is a stable and productive member of society. Glenn continues to be the major support in Jessie's life.

Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

Provides an introduction and understanding to schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

Contemporary treatment of psychosis

healing relationships in the "decade of the brain"
A gem of a theoretical reflection and clinical wisdom. While remaining profoundly respectful of neurobiological models of schizophrenia, the authors of this edited volume focus on what is unique about the person who suffers from this disorder.

Nobody's child

An account of Marie Balter's long mental illness and recovery revealing a courageous story of hope and healing.
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