
Topical Term

Writing personal stories

A guide to writing an autobiography for children, including forms of personal writing, prewriting, final drafts, revising and editing, and publishing.

Lunch money

Twelve-year-old Greg, who has always been good at moneymaking projects, is surprised to find himself teaming up with his lifelong rival, Maura, to create a series of comic books to sell at school.

Whatcha mean, what's a zine?

the art of making zines and mini comics
A collection of tips and tricks from contributors designed for anyone who wants to create their own zine, a handmade magazine or mini-comic about favorite bands, personal stories, subcultures, or collections.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A biography of American author Laura Ingalls Wilder, covering her upbringing in a pioneer family, early life and marriage, and work as a teacher and writer.

Making comics

Presents a guide on how to draw and write comics.
Cover image of Making comics

Style guide

A stylistic guide to English usage and composition, based on the house style manual of "The Economist" newspaper, providing general advice on writing, and discussing common errors and clich?s, punctuation and grammar rules, the Greek alphabet, mathematical symbols, the winter Olympic games, and the solar system, along with the differences between American and British English syntax, punctuation, and spelling.
Cover image of Style guide

Love poetry

"How Do I Love Thee?"
Explores love-themed poetry, including famous American and European poets and their poems, as well as literary criticism, poetic technique, explication, and prompts for further study.
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Who is Judy Blume?

Despite all the controversy, this award-winning author and her books have remained popular among fans, both old and new.

Draw a comic!

"The International Comics Library is in a lot of trouble! If Maggie can't come up with $500,000 in a week, Dr. Carl is going to bulldoze her grandfather's library and turn it into a parking lot! To save the day, she'll need all her comic drawing skills, the loyal library watchdog, and her new assistant (that's you!). With Maker Comics: Draw a Comic! you'll learn to create and print your own comics books! Follow these simple steps to sketch out your story ideas and ink a comic page. Learn which art supplies are best for drawing comics--you can use a pen, a brush, or even a computer! With the help of a photocopy machine, you can even self-publish your own comics and share them with your friends!"--From the publisher's web site.
Cover image of Draw a comic!

Tell it slant

creating, refining, and publishing creative nonfiction
Offers tips and guidance to writing creative nonfiction, examining an approach to writing a memoir, researched essays, and investigative reporting, and providing writing exercises on memories, seeking material outside the self, ethical issues to consider when writing about other people, how to approach background research and avoid clich?s, and related topics.
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